Nikki Haley shares obviously fake anti-Trump ‘fan mail’

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Presidential candidate and former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley is under fire after posting “kind words” that she has received from what she claimed were Americans supportive of her campaign against Trump in the Republican primary. 

On Thursday evening, Haley’s account posted two messages with one from a “Mary A.” reading, “I want to encourage Nikki Haley to keep pressing on!!! We need a competent and committed leader to stay the course in the bid for the presidency.” Another from a “Michael B.” stated, “PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR FIGHT!!! In a world that’s become crazy with strife, we need a level headed conservative leader to navigate us through the insanity.” 

Poking fun at the messages, the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh wrote, “Wow those are really inspiring messages. I just received this fan mail today. It’s so great to be appreciated!”

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