CNN Anchor Threatens to Cut Republican Congresswoman’s Mic When Things Get Heated

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CNN’s new approach to dealing with guests speaking truths the network doesn’t want to accept seems to be to talk over them and then threaten to end the interview.

CNN anchor Brianna Keilar took her inability to face facts about the Biden administration’s gross mishandling of the border crisis to a new level during an interview with Rep. Beth Van Duyne of Texas on Tuesday.

What was meant to be a debate on Van Duyne’s assertion that the House has to pass a border security bill sponsored by Rep. Mario Diaz-Balar of Florida “because this administration has flagrantly ignored the law” became a one-person show, with the host dominating the air time and dictating the flow of discussion.

The bill, known as H.R. 2, passed the Republican-led House last year but has stalled in the Senate amid Democratic opposition.

HR2 aims to overhaul the U.S. asylum system while expanding border walls and enforcement measures, according to The Hill.

One of its key provisions would require all employers to use E-Verify to check the legal work status of employees.

The bill would also restrict asylum access by adding application fees, tightening eligibility criteria and mandating detention even for those granted asylum. It calls for resuming border wall construction along the southern border with Mexico while simultaneously cutting funding for services provided to immigrants.

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