ICE to release thousands of illegal immigrants, cut detention center beds due to unprecedented border surge

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“The Administration has repeatedly requested additional resources for DHS’s vital missions on the southwest border and Congress has chronically underfunded them,” a Homeland Security spokesperson said.

The spokesperson explained that ICE will not be able to sustain its current operational tempo and added, “Without adequate funding for CBP, ICE, and USCIS, the Department will have to reprogram or pull resources from other efforts.”

ICE said they are looking to cut 38,000 detention center beds to 22,000 to free up costs, according to the outlet.

The Department has been spread thin and often assists US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in efforts to secure the US-Southern border amid the historic illegal immigration crisis. Since President Biden took office in 2021, more than 6 million illegal immigrants have invaded the United States.

Video footage taken over the past few years in ICE facilities shows the detention holding areas at max capacity.

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