Democrat Thrashed for Refusing to Lead Pledge of Allegiance, Says He Can’t Bring Himself to Join ‘Performative Patriotism’

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Here’s another example of the Democratic Party’s finest — a Tennessee representative who chants “power to the people” on the House floor but refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Tennessee state Rep. Justin Jones is facing demands to resign after declining to lead the Pledge of Allegiance in the legislature last week.

The controversial Nashville Democrat brought in a Native American speaker to offer the opening prayer in the Choctaw language on Thursday. Afterward, Jones refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, according to House Speaker Cameron Sexton, WBIR-TV reported.

Democratic state Rep. Karen Camper of Memphis led the pledge instead, according to the station.

In a social media post, Jones stated he did not want to participate in “performative patriotism” with Republican colleagues who support an “insurrectionist.” He was referring, of course, to former President Donald Trump.

“I couldn’t bring myself to join their performative patriotism as they continue to support an insurrectionist for president and undermine liberty and justice for all,” Jones wrote.

Labeling the recitation of the pledge as “performative” would be outrageous coming from any lawmaker, but for Jones to make such an accusation goes beyond rich.

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