Despite Special Counsel Report Finding Significant Memory Issues, White House Says Biden Is Skipping Cognitive Test

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President Joe Biden is preparing for his annual physical, but the White House has ruled out a cognitive test for the 81-year-old commander in chief despite the growing calls for just such a test.

Every president undergoes a physical examination each year so physicians can keep an eye on the national leader’s health and stave off any emerging health issues to keep the president fit and ready to govern.

But Joe Biden has a particular issue that is at the top of everyone’s mind as he rolls into the last year of his current term in office: Voters want to know if he is mentally sharp enough to tackle the job of president of the United States.

It is certainly a thorny issue. If he is found to be senile and unable to handle the presidency, that would leave the nation with Vice President Kamala Harris as president — even if for only the next 10 months. It also would leave the Democrats with the dilemma of replacing him on the ballot for an election that is only nine months off.

So, if Biden is non compos mentis, the nation needs to know as soon as possible so that remedies to these dire issues can be set in place.

But the defiant White House is standing directly in the way of this determination, indicating the president would not undergo a cognitive test.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters during her news briefing on Monday that it isn’t necessary for Biden.

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