Former Speaker McCarthy, Who Allegedly Elbowed Rival in Kidneys, Tells Opponent to ‘Straighten Out Her Life’

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Former House Speaker Pot returned to Capitol Hill Tuesday, carrying an important message: His GOP kettle rivals, the ones that drove him from office? Yeah, it turns out they’re all black.

When I talk of former House Speaker Pot, I mean, of course, the now ex-congressman from California and once-upon-a-time House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who found time in his busy schedule of taking his ball and going home to return to Capitol Hill and slam some of the lawmakers that led to his downfall.

According to The Hill, McCarthy — a man who was credibly accused, in his final wilderness days in Congress, of surreptitiously elbowing a fellow Republican who voted against him in the kidneys while said Republican was doing an interview — used the visit to Washington to declare that another one of his opponents apparently needed professional help.

And, just because it wouldn’t be a full day without it, McCarthy also speculated wildly on Rep. Matt Gaetz’s sex life, without proffering evidence to back up that speculation, because why the heck not?

In an interview that couldn’t have made Republicans more happy that GOP Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson is now the House speaker had McCarthy calculated it to end up that way, McCarthy said that South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace needed help to “straighten out her life.”

Mace was one of what McCarthy dubbed the “crazy eight led by Gaetz” — eight Republican lawmakers who forced McCarthy to hand over the speaker’s gavel after he reached a temporary spending agreement with Democrats that could more accurately be described as a wearied capitulation.

McCarthy suddenly found renewed vigor after conservative Republicans abandoned him and no Democrats would come to his aid to preserve his speakership, but alas — a day late, a few trillion dollars short.

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