Funeral for atheist trans sex worker activist in NYC Catholic church features prayers for sex changes, celebration of whoredom

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The iconic Manhattan St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Fifth Avenue attracted a giant crowd for the funeral of a transgender activist who was not religious. The word “whore” was written on the altar and the words “Ave Maria” were changed to include the name of the activist, with the singer saying, “Ave Cecilia.” Prayers for sex changes were made during the proceedings. 

Cecilia Gentili, who died at age 52 at home in Brooklyn on Feb. 6, was an Argentinian transgender activist who was also a self-proclaimed atheist. The deceased activist was also awarded $540,000 from the Biden administration for “trans outreach” for HIV while living. Genitli was an illegal immigrant in the US for 10 years as a sex worker before gaining asylum in 2012.

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