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Understanding history means accepting two universal truths.
First, human nature never changes. Ideologies of “progress” notwithstanding, human beings have never made any moral advancement.
People in different times and places certainly have held different ideas of right and wrong, but this has not altered their fallen natures. If this were not true, then we would have no reason to study the past. We could regard ourselves as having transcended history. But we have not.
Second, the contest between liberty and power, good and evil, never ceases. It intensifies and then abates, only to rise again and repeat the pattern. But it remains constant. Only the battlefields and contestants change.
Monday, Feb. 12, marks Abraham Lincoln’s 215th birthday. This provides an opportunity to revisit one of Lincoln’s most important speeches.
As we do, we might reflect not only on how Lincoln understood the unfolding crisis of his day but also on how his understanding of that crisis helps illuminate aspects of our own sharp divisions and fierce struggles.
In Lincoln’s words, readers will undoubtedly recognize parallels and lessons for our time.
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