New Report Shows How $340 Million in Federal COVID Relief Was Turned Into Cash Transfers Subsidizing Illegal Immigration

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A shocking new report found that hundreds of millions of our tax dollars earmarked to help struggling Americans through the COVID-19 pandemic were instead handed out to illegal aliens in Washington state.

$340 million was taken out of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund — a federal aid program — and given to illegals in the form of $1,000 checks, according to a review of the spending by the Economic Policy Innovation Center.

Or perhaps it isn’t so shocking considering that the West Coast is ruled by left-wing Democrats.

Washington received $4.4 billion in total SLFRF funding, according to Fox News, but set aside the $340 million so that illegals could dip their hands into the funds despite being ineligible to receive federal COVID aid.

A report released by state officials last year noted that the cash transfer to the “Immigrant Relief Fund” was approved by the Washington state Legislature in April 2021 to provide “another round of funding for undocumented Washingtonians.”

In essence, the Democrat-dominated state Legislature did an end-run around the rules preventing illegals from getting federal COVID relief funds meant for actual Americans.

The transfer was also approved by the Biden administration, according to EPIC.

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