‘Them vs. U.S.’: Study Exposes Profound ‘Threat’ Authoritarian Elites Pose to Ordinary Americans

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Seldom do we find a single report that confirms a thousand disparate impressions. Still less often do we see one that quantifies the precise conditions that could drive us toward another revolutionary moment.

Last month, the Committee to Unleash Prosperity released a report that achieved both.

Most readers will review the report — pointedly entitled “Them vs. U.S.” — with astonishment, and some might even grab their pitchforks.

In September, pollster Scott Rasmussen conducted surveys of 1,000 Americans whom CUP described as “Members of the Elites.”

Crucially, the report provided a very specific definition of “elites” as “those having a postgraduate degree, a household income of more than $150,000 annually, and living in a zip code with more than 10,000 people per square mile.”

In other words, modern elites boast not only wealth but an urban residence and lengthy exposure to higher education. Conveniently, this describes about 1 percent of the U.S. population — the proverbial “top 1 percent.”

The surveys also identified a subset of super-elites: those who “attended Ivy League schools or other elite private schools, including Northwestern, Duke, Stanford, and the University of Chicago.” This applied to approximately half of the elites surveyed.

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