Netflix Drops Teaser for 2nd Season of Hit Show ‘Squid Game’: It’s Coming This Year

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As the world was just beginning to wake up from the horrid nightmare that was COVID-19 (and the subsequent lockdowns), people understandably needed some catharsis in their lives.

After all, that was a long time to be unconstitutionally cooped in your domicile with nothing to do but sit around and watch Netflix.

Well, in an ironic twist, one of the more cathartic experiences in a post-COVID lockdown world was… a grim and violent Netflix show.

South Korean drama “Squid Game” released in September 2021 and was an instant hit with audiences.

And that’s underselling it.

In fact, by Netflix’s own internal metrics, “Squid Game” is actually the most-watched season of a show in the streaming titan’s history.

Classified under the “TV (Non-English)” category, the first season of “Squid Game” garnered a whopping 2.2 billion hours viewed.

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